Tuesday, September 25, 2012

fall potting

Potting plants in the fall?! Now, why we you want to do something like that? Even though the weather is changing, NOW is the time to plant. Most people think that you should undertake such efforts in the spring. Well, that is not true. You can still plant a large variety of fall foliage like kale, ornamental peppers, mums, or most variety of evergreen, that will last the whole season into November. If you are planting a shrub or bulb, and are hard set on transplanting it into the ground, you MUST do this 3-4 weeks before the first frost, otherwise the roots will not have enough time to acclimate to their new environment. What I do want to detail is the ability to house indoor plants that will last you through the winter. Now, is the time to plant your indoor herb garden. The southern sun is still strong enough to give your plants the push they need to be hearty before the temperature drops. When it does become an average of 50 degree or lower, you will want to ensure that your plants are near, but not on or too close, to a heart source, this will ensure constant growth. When planting herbs around this time, I prefer basil, lavender, and rosemary, these have the lasting power and heartiness to last through winter if you are careful. You can check out more tips at Gethsemane Gardens

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