Friday, October 19, 2012


As the sign says, Remember to visit your local barber shop. As the Rustic Camp knows, the life of the adventurer sometimes doesn't allow for time to look nice, but sometimes it is absolutely needed. The concept of the barbershop has been around for ages, barber, which is latin for beard, was the center for mens grooming for ages. The barber was the person whom you would see not just for grooming needs, but ailments as well. The barber would need to be proficient in minor surgery, dentistry, and leaching, they would even be higher paid if they were skilled in many crafts. Due to their expertise in many facets this made them invaluable to British navel fleets, that would insure that there was a barber on most of their boats, and two or more on their flagships. Today, you obviously would not go to the barber for these problems, as they are skilled mainly in cosmetology. Now, the ability to have a similar experience at a barbershop can be in your home. Many brands recently have upstarted the trend of the experience at home such as, The Art of Shaving and Classic Shaving

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