Monday, February 11, 2013


In a recent post we touched on ferns via usage in terrariums or more accurately known as vivariums or wardian cases. The fern is an incredibly fascinating variety of plant. It has a fantastic tenacity and veracity to live, it is oddly drought resistant, and low light, it works perfectly with light misting each week to several weeks.  The plant not unlike succulents carry their water in not their leaves but their water retaining roots that stay shallow to the ground and can be easily transplanted between soil and sand. Ferns are considered the oldest species of plant that has ancestry since before the dinosaurs. Being a completely low light plant and has the ability to process nitrogen, argon, and high levels of carbon the plant is extremely hearty and can survive many climates (especially the ice age). During the English period known as Pteridomania ferns were so highly prized that people would spend their days digging them up, almost in mania, to sell them accordingly to artists and the wealthy. 

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